To do
- SR, Local vs global
- SR, Special relativity and special squares
- SR, backstory
- SRQ, fix navigation
- QM/The Dirac equation
- Dynamics graphs
- Numbers 101
- About pages
- personal (gallery? mac mini iPhoto)
- pop sci
- how done
- Redirect page for qindex.html - Keep world alive
- Symmetries - check content and presentation
- Sites, add SRQ
- link?
- About/lindy_hop, better pictures
- About/bike, more pictures, more story
- Pop Science web site, include cube
- buttons float
- EM, add +/- to summary patterns
- EM, more text at summary
- About Q Cards, site/book/
- About pages
- Prof sketch
- bike
- lindy
- contacts/ tips - web sites, twitter
- thanks
- EM
- EM, by hand
- EM, redo classical
- Euler-Lagrange
- Invariants
- Derive homogeneous
- Derive source eq
- Fix umlaut on Schroding, Moller - ö
- Github project: Q
- Google analytics
- Gravity, essay
- Gravity, fix all animation
- Gravity, git clone files from QG?
- Images/Index
- Math gif
- Move spurious code
- PDFs from mdmerge - automate production, put on chron job
mdmerger --export-target latex|lyx -o secion.pdf
cat section.toc, markua
- Quantum
- is dougsweetser/
- Remove double Q q on index page
- Side bar nav - Using default, works well.
- Special relativity: list problems
- SR book, leave only one chapter
- Q, Publish e-books
- Q, Stuff to e-books
- Title_page.png Q, like website
- Title_page.png, SR
Won't do
- Gravity gif - all 6 look visually similar, a good thing
- World-deploy function - keep original in place
- Popup window function - Have content here, link to sites.
- PDF in markdown?
Nope. lyx->html->html2txt edit
- Search - not obvious how to do
- Stuff pages
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