
All 4

The Scripts

These were the scripts used to make the page-casts. They were printed and taped to the laptop.

Landing page

Hello, I'm Doug This is a Measurement 101 page-cast, 3 minutes talking about a web page on this site In this case, the landing page

This site is all about measurement of events in space-time.

We were raised on the idea that absolute space and absolute time have no relationship.

In 1905, Einstein proposed space marry time. This is a hard marriage to understand, even today.

On this page, two stars go supernova Those are the events in space-time

There is one time when the star explodes, then another There is a difference in time.

There is a difference in space because the stars are at different location.

Together they make a difference in space-time.

Four kids watch. Each kid measures a different values for time and space. No measurements are the same, period. This site describes what the 4 kids can agree upon.

I am the reference observer (the hat gives it away) The reference is not moving, right there with the events themselves The kids will be ignored, just focus on the center

What does one do with measurements anyway?

I do somthing both simple and unusual: I square the difference between events in space-time.

That is not a legal move with standard physics. I use a math where squaring events in space-time is OK.

The dt2 - dR2 is called the interval

I like to make things concrete, so made up numbers 5 for time dt 3 for space dR The interval is 52 25 - 32 9 16

The other term, 2 dt dR, doesn't even have a name in standard physics I call it space-times-time 2 times 3 5 = 30

The walkers agree about the interval. This is the physics of special relativity

The above and below kids agree on the space-times-time This is my new proposal, quaternion gravity.

That's it for this page-cast.

Special relativity page-cast

Hello, I'm Doug This is a Measurement 101 page-cast, 3 minutes talking about a web page on this site In this case, measure while walking page or equivalently, the special relativity page.

There are two supernova events.

The reference observer says time dt = 5. The reference observer says space dR = 3. The reference observer does the square to find the interval = 16 and the space-times-time = 30. That is the starting point.

I put on the blue cap for special relativity. Everything blue is about special relativity. It says "an equivalent interval is special relativity."

Focus on the walk toward girl. She gets the news sooner by walking toward the action. Her time dt is smaller than the reference observer Her space dR is smaller than the reference observer

Relativity is not an arbitrary change, but increadibly precise change.

Square the walking toward measurements with its smaller time dt, smaller space dR.

The interval is exactly equal to the reference interval. That is the xxxx of special relativity.

The space-time-time is made up of two smaller numbers, so it is less than 30.

Focus on the the girl skipping away. She will get the new later. She will measure the time dt as a larger number She will measure the space dR between the events as bigger too.

Square the walking away measurements with its larger time dt, larger space dR.

The interval is exactly equal to the reference observer and the walking toward girl.

The space-times-time is made up of two larger numbers, so it is more than 30.

Note: the numbers are far too big (off by 16 orders of magnitude, I just didn't want to write lots of zeros).

That's it for this page-cast.

Measuring while up or down page-cast

Hello, I'm Doug This is the Measurement 101 page cast 3 minutes talking about a particular web page In this case, the measure while up or down in a gravity field page or equivalently, my new proposal, the quaternion gravity page.

There are two supernove events.

The reference observer, me, says time dt = 5. space dR = 3. Do the square to find the interval = 16 and the space-times-time = 30. That is the starting point.

Hello, I am quaternion gravity Doug in yellow Everything kelly green on this page is about quaternion gravity. A quaternion squared is the interval and space-times-time An equivalent space-times-time is the equivalence class of quaternion gravity.

What does that mean?

Focus on the girl floating with the balloons. She is not slowed down by heavy gravity, so her clock ticks faster. Her time dt with the speeding clock is bigger than the reference observer. Her ruler expands up in the clouds. Her space dR measurement with the bigger ruler is smaller

These changes are very precise. In the standard approach to gravity called Einstein's General relativity, the bigger time dt almost cancels the smaller space dR.

In my quaternion gravity proposal, the bigger time dt exactly cancels the smaller space dR. The result is an equivalent space-times-time = 30.

The interval is made up of one positive number that gets bigger, minus a number that gets number. The result is an interval that is larger than the reference interval.

Focus on the guy lying down, pointing at each event. His clock ticks slower. His time dt with the slow clock is smaller than the reference observer. His meter stick is smaller. His space dR with the smaller stick is larger than the reference observer. The result is the equivalent space-times-time = 30.

The interval of a smaller positive number minus a larger negative number means the interval is smaller than the reference interval.

That's it for this page cast.

Measure it all page-cast

Hello, I'm Doug This is a Measurement 101 page-cast 3 minutes talking about a particular web page In this case, the measure it all page, or Special Relativity and Quaternion Gravity

This graphic says too much. It is a 3 hat affair.

A quaternion squared equals the interval and space-times-time.

An equivalent interval is the equivalence class of special relativity. It is the stuff in blue. An equivalent space-times-time is the equivalence class of quaternion gravity. It is the stuff in Kelly green.

I am the reference observer, There are the stars that go supernove. The time dt between them is 5 The space dR between them is 3. The square give an interval of 16, a space-times-time of 30.

Everyone compares their measurements to me.

I am special realtivity Doug in blue. Focus on the walkers. Ignore the view from above and below. They all have the same inverval of 16. That is special relativity.

I am quaternion gravity Doug in yellow. Focus on the measuremtns from above and below. Ignore the walkers. They all have the same space-times-time of 30. That is my quaternion gravity proposal.

The kids walking don't agree with the kids above and below about anything. The intervals are different and the space-times-time is different. That is OK. What matters is the different agreements the kids make with me, the reference observer. The walkers agree about the interval. That is speical relativity. The kids above and below agree about space-times-time. That is quaternion gravity.

That's it for this page-cast.